Alexa Seleno



The Potential Of Emerging Artificial Intelligence

As AI continues to develop, it is going to impact daily lives, with significant implications for a number of industries. In addition to decreasing the amount of repetitive work and increasing productivity of employees, AI has the potential to transform many industries because of its quick decision-making capabilities. Experts see AI as a driver for manufacturing that has the potential to bring in new sources of growth and transform how jobs are done in different industries. The world is on the verge of transforming many industries with AI, but how AI systems are developed needs to be better understood because of the significant implications that these technologies will have for society at large.    Show Source Texts

By 2040, increasing technology convergence, such as artificial intelligence (AI), high-speed telecoms, and biotechnology, will be enhanced with an increased understanding of the social sciences and behavior sciences, to allow rapid breakthroughs and tailored applications to users, which are much greater than the sum of their parts. In 2022, we will see artificial intelligence continuing down a path toward becoming the most transformational technology mankind has ever developed. Artificial Intelligence (AI), combined with promising Machine Learning (ML) techniques, which are well known in Computer Science, is broadly impacting many aspects of different fields, including Science & Technology, Industry, and even our daily lives. AI is already serving as the main driver behind emerging technologies such as big data, robotics, and IoT, and it will continue to do so in the near future.    Show Source Texts

Creativity is generally considered to be a highly human ability, and the fact that we are now seeing those capabilities appear in machines means that artificial intelligence is unquestionably coming close, both in terms of scale and function, to the somewhat vague notion that we have about what makes up real intelligence. General artificial intelligence is more akin to that seen in science fiction films, in which intelligent machines mimic human intelligence, thinking strategically, abstractly, and creatively, and having the capacity to perform an array of difficult tasks.    Show Source Texts These depictions have also led to increased expectations–some technologists say that types of intelligence in these systems are aided or augmented, not artificial–but recent advances in computer science certainly accelerate AIs potential. It is clear that the banking market leaders are already benefiting from artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, image recognition, and other AI technologies. Experts expect that networked AI will augment the efficiency of humans, but it also threatens the autonomy, agency, and capabilities of humans.

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